Title | Type |
Status | Progress | Rating |
Links |
A |
Asatte no Houkou | Series | To See | 0/12 | n/a | [info] |
B |
Bleach | Series | Watching | 136/? | 8 | [info] [notes] |
I really started out loving this season until it hit the filler. From there it lost it's momentum as well as my -oh so coveted- high rating. |
C |
Claymore | Series | Watching | 19/26 | 10+ | [info] [notes] |
Wow! This series may start off slow and dark, but the twists and turns, action, and story are superb. Props Madhouse. 10+ |
Code Geass | Series | Complete | 25/25 | 10 | [info] [notes] |
This series will most likely be my favorite of 2007. The great story and characters make this anime a must see. The ending of this series may have kept it out of my special mention category. |
Cowboy Bebop | Series | Complete | 26/26 | 9 | [info] [notes] |
Excellent series! One of the first anime series I've ever watched! The series is a bit melancholy, somewhat intentionally, but still a great watch. |
D |
Death Note | Series | To See | 0/37 | n/a | [info] |
M |
Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya | Series | Complete | 14/14 | S | [info] [notes] |
Watched in broadcast order. I was one of the ones really turned off by the first episode. After watching a few episodes, though, I was hooked. As the series went along, the adventures were starting to drag -- but enough plot and character building came through that it was acceptable. Before the ending, I would have rated this anime a 9, but the ending of the series just blew me away. Definitely a must own if you can afford the Special Edition DVDs. |
N |
Naruto | Series | Abandoned | 140/? | 7 | [info] [notes] |
This was my second anime that I've ever watched. It was great, in that it was one of my first 'power-up' animes. After a while, the series suffers from it's absolutely horrible random filler as well as informatitis (the habit of pausing and taking great amounts of times describing what's happening in fight scenes -- even previously observed fighting moves). Overall, I'd give it a 7.6 -- which I'll round down. |
Neon Genesis Evangelion | Series | Complete | 26/26 | 4 | [info] [notes] |
What to say about this one. One of the most overrated anime series I've ever seen. With a reptitious format reminiscent of the Power Rangers, this series sees Angel after Angel attack, defeated, and crisis avoided. The series spends too much time on characters, who are all obviously flawed and unlikable, and not enough time on the plot, which is overlooked -- expecting you to fill in the missing holes. If there was an emo -- pity me, type -- anime . . this would be it. |
S |
Samurai X: Trust & Betrayal | OVA | To See | 0/4 | n/a | [info] |